Showing posts with label quarantine proposal ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quarantine proposal ideas. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 November 2020

What Makes a Good Marriage Proposal?

Even if you plan everything with perfection, marriage proposals are bound to have a mistake or two here and there; and that is totally fine. But sometimes, when things go totally unplanned, we all wish for a re-do button, especially during surprise parties or events. 


Why It Makes Sense to Re-Propose If It Didn't Go Well the First Time


Most of Men aren't a fan of re-propose. They feel that the touch of excitement once ruined can never be fixed by re-doing the same thing. Well then, we are here to teach you the other way around. 


Here Is A List Of Reasons Why Re-Propose Will Make A Lot Of Sense If It Didn't Go Well The First Time:


1- This Time, You Will Have the Ring:


A study done by THE KNOT found out that 32% of women consider not having the ring as the massive proposal mishap. So, if you were unable to get the ring the first time when you proposed to her, then search for simple wedding proposal ideas at home and re-do it all over again.

 2- You Will Know How To Surprise This Time:


Was the previous surprise a total disaster? Well, we are sure that you now know what to do and what to not. Take her to a few dates before the actual dates arrive, so she won't sense what is coming. Also, avoid ring boxes because they are totally visible from pockets; instead, go for ring pouches.


3- No More Bad Weathers:


Did you take the hot air balloon engagement proposal ideas during Covid-19and failed miserably because of the bad weather? It seems like a re-proposal is all that you need. Avoid weather dependent ideas. You can go for a trek or take her to an aquarium to get the picture-perfect backdrop. 


How About a Post-Marriage Proposal?


If you are married, then you may think that there are no reasons left to propose to her again. Well, then, you're mistaken. Proposals are never unfair, and you don't need reasons to do it.


You can take her diamond engagement ring for a yearly clean check and bring it back, but this time, go on one knee and re-enact your proposal all over again. You can even opt for a brand-new location to make it fresher. 


Bottom Line


Even if you take thousands of marriage proposal tips from the internet, the possibility of the day being ruined by something or another is always high. But you should never let the unplanned mistakes hamper your partner's happiness. Instead, use our article as a guide and propose to her all over again; she will enjoy your commitment. 


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